PROscan® Active V2
Item # 117000053 – PROscan Active| Network Planning Software
- Detection of the real network structure (topology)
- Cable information e.g. cable lengths
- Comparative scan function shows changes immediately
- Diagnostic mode with transparent statistics
- Transparent acceptance report as check list, with own company logo
- Multi-topology: Several topologies can be opened at the same time
- Optimized for touch panel
Detect your Network Topology Quickly and Precisely
For reliable monitoring of industrial networks precise knowledge of network topology, device hardware and software versions, and real cabling is essential. The topology software PROscan® Active V2 describes and displays PROFINET and Ethernet networks quickly and in detail.
New features in release V2.4:
- Detection of the real network structure (topology)
- Node information e.g. IP/MAC address, device type/name
- Cable information e.g. cable lenghts
- Comparative scan function shows changes immediately
- Node and port overview available
- Adjustable threshold values for damping reserve
- Detection of POF devices port statistcs
- Diagnostic mode with transparent statistics
- Comparison of hardware/software versions, with a warning if a deviation is found
- Transparent acceptance report as check list, with own company logo
- Multi-topology: Several topologies can be opened at the same time
- Printout of scanned topology as technical drawing
- Optimized for touch panel

Operating system:
Microsoft® Windows® Vista, 7, 8, 10 Microsoft® Windows® Server 2008, 2012, 2016
• Hardware requirements Intel Atom 800MHz or more 1GB RAM or more
Min. 400MB hard disk space
PDF Data Sheet